Well I have to start this blog with apologising to my husband for being such a stinker about being kidnapped. I think I have a harder time being spontaneous when it involves not knowing who is going to be babysitting my son, but I need not have worried.
We left the house on Friday morning around 10:30 or so and headed south on I-15. After we had passed the exits for my aunts' and Britt's house I figured we were heading to St. George. Which made me really happy because we hadn't seen our families since Christmas and I knew that Aydan would be in good hands. When we got off the freeway we headed over to Andrew's sister's house to drop Aydan off, but when we got there Andrew just wanted to hang out. Which made me way cranky because I didn't know what the heck was going on. I kept insisting that if Aydan was going to stay with Bri that I wanted to at least let my parents see Aydan for a minute before we took off to our birthday destination. But he kept stalling and stalling and stalling. And most of you can guess why he was by now but Andrew is pretty tricky I had no idea why. So we finally left Bri's and Andrew wanted to go get me a drink at Fabulous Freddies because they have raspberry flavoring, which I love. But all I wanted at that point was to get to my parents and just have a drink there. So we get to my parents house and no one will open the door and I see Haylie hiding through the glass. So I told her to hurry up and open the door because Aydan is getting really heavy now that he's two and my arms were killing me. So she opens the door and does not act surprised to see me at all which I thought was kinda strange. But anyway, so we go down the hall to the kitchen and my mom and my brother Zac yell: "Surprise!". Turns out my sweet husband and my wonderful mom had planned a surprise party for me and since I was being such a brat I ruined my own party...:-( No one one else was able to get home before we got there so I had a total party of three to greet me. Oh well, it was really fun when everyone got there!
After dinner and birthday cake Andrew told me he had another surprise and that I needed to put on something dressy. So I got all dressed up and we left Aydan with my parents. We headed over to Dixie college to see The Ten Tenors, and they were SO good!! They had quite a repertoire. They sang opera as well as Queen and the Bee Gees. After the concert we went to good old Larson's and had glaciers. It was so nice to have a date night with my wonderful husband even if he was a little sore with me for ruining my party. :-)
The next morning we went swimming with my family and then headed up to my parent's brand new cabin! It was the first time for my family to spend the night at the cabin and we were all so excited. We stayed up late, played games and just enjoyed being together.
It may not sound like the most romantic birthday because we were with family most of the weekend but it was exactly what I wanted for my birthday! I am so grateful for a husband who is willing to share me on my special day with almost all of the people I love the most. Besides we are going on a house hunting trip next week ALL by ourselves!! I totally love my little son but sometimes you need some time all alone with your husband. :-) Thanks to all of you who called, text, or sang me a happy birthday!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Birthday Surprises
Posted by Christense Clan at 6:16 PM 5 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
So my birthday is coming up on Sunday and Andrew is always so secretive about what he is planning. Last year all he told me was that I needed to dress up nice for our birthday date. He called the babysitters, he made all the reservations, and he even bought a new suit coat. Liz and Brett were nice enough to come sit and away we went. He took me out to a very nice restaurant at The Gateway and while we were waiting for our food he gave me the most beautiful aquamarine ring. (My birthstone) And to top it all off we went to a concert. After all of these wonderful birthday celebrations I told him I didn't think he could top it the next year. Well he seems to be proving me wrong. Last night I was smugly informed that we needed to cancel our plans to go out with the Richeys(sorry guys!) and that I needed to pack an overnight bag. Huh?
"Who is going to watch Aydan?" I said. And all he would reply is: "I took care of it". So folks it seems that I am being kidnapped by my husband for my birthday, and I all I can think is: I am a
Lucky Girl!
Posted by Christense Clan at 8:16 AM 5 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
1. What is your Hubby's name? Andrew Robert Christensen
2. How long have your been married? Five years in May! So crazy..I can't believe it.
3. How long did you date? We dated all of three weeks before Andrew popped the question.
4. How old is he? 27
5. Who eats more? Andrew most definitely
6. Who said I Love you First? Andrew. He told me he loved me on our first official date. To be fair we had been hanging out every night for a week before this date. :-) I know, it gives a totally new definition of the term "speed dating".
7. Who is taller? Um lets see...5'1 versus 6'2? Andrew wins!
8. Who sings better? Andrew would I say I do since I have had a lot more experience but he can sing as well.
9. Who is smarter? We both have our smarts they are just different which is great because we complement each other.
10. Who temper is worse? Mine most definitely. Andrew hates contention and will just stop talking until we calm down. His motto is that he never wants to regret anything he says to me.
11. Who does the laundry? I wash it and then it usually sits in our room until Andrew folds it, I hate to fold.
12. Who does the dishes? I do, most of the time but I keep telling him as soon as he is done with school he isn't going to get out of it anymore. :-)
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are facing the bed, Andrew does.
14. Who pays the bills? I do.
15. Who mows the lawn? Neither, but I am sure that when we do it will be an Andrew job.
16. Who cooks dinner? I do, I love to cook! But Andrew makes awesome pancakes and barbecue!
17. Who drives when together? Andrew
18. Who is more stubborn? Probably me.
19. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? We take turns.
20. Who's parents do we visit most? Mine. Its hard to turn down your own floor with a kitchen and bathroom. Especially when you have a baby.
21. Who Proposed? Andrew! Of course! We had been dating for about three weeks and we had gone out to dinner with my parents in Zion Canyon. After dinner we decided to take a drive and ended up getting out of the car at this beautiful bridge. We walked to bridge and just started talking and in the middle of our conversation he got down on one knee and asked me. Which was completely unplanned but very romantic. About two weeks later he proposed a second time with a ring in the exact spot we met. It was simple and romantic.
22. Who has more friends? We are probably about even.
23. Who has more siblings? He has five and I have four.
24. Who wears the pants in the family? Andrew likes to say that I wear the pants and he gets to take them off. :-)
I tag Liz, Heidi Sims, and Julie!
Posted by Christense Clan at 2:03 PM 4 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Random pictures of my little family
My parents and Aydan at the Magic Kingdom:
Aydan and Andrew after a long day at Universal Studios. Poor Andrew was sick on the way to Florida, Aydan was sick while we were there, and I got sick on the way home. All in all it was quite a trip trying to feel like you got your money's worth and yet not killing your sick little family. Midweek we took a break from the parks and headed to the beach which was Aydan's absolute favorite thing he did all week.
And finally some random recent photos of my boys:
Well folks that is it for now. I am sure now that I have briefly covered the last two years or so I can be much more recent with my blogs. Heres hoping. :-)
Posted by Christense Clan at 7:25 PM 3 comments