Monday, March 3, 2008


1. What is your Hubby's name? Andrew Robert Christensen

2. How long have your been married? Five years in May! So crazy..I can't believe it.

3. How long did you date? We dated all of three weeks before Andrew popped the question.

4. How old is he? 27

5. Who eats more? Andrew most definitely

6. Who said I Love you First? Andrew. He told me he loved me on our first official date. To be fair we had been hanging out every night for a week before this date. :-) I know, it gives a totally new definition of the term "speed dating".

7. Who is taller? Um lets see...5'1 versus 6'2? Andrew wins!

8. Who sings better? Andrew would I say I do since I have had a lot more experience but he can sing as well.

9. Who is smarter? We both have our smarts they are just different which is great because we complement each other.

10. Who temper is worse? Mine most definitely. Andrew hates contention and will just stop talking until we calm down. His motto is that he never wants to regret anything he says to me.

11. Who does the laundry? I wash it and then it usually sits in our room until Andrew folds it, I hate to fold.

12. Who does the dishes? I do, most of the time but I keep telling him as soon as he is done with school he isn't going to get out of it anymore. :-)

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are facing the bed, Andrew does.

14. Who pays the bills? I do.

15. Who mows the lawn? Neither, but I am sure that when we do it will be an Andrew job.

16. Who cooks dinner? I do, I love to cook! But Andrew makes awesome pancakes and barbecue!

17. Who drives when together? Andrew

18. Who is more stubborn? Probably me.

19. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? We take turns.

20. Who's parents do we visit most? Mine. Its hard to turn down your own floor with a kitchen and bathroom. Especially when you have a baby.

21. Who Proposed? Andrew! Of course! We had been dating for about three weeks and we had gone out to dinner with my parents in Zion Canyon. After dinner we decided to take a drive and ended up getting out of the car at this beautiful bridge. We walked to bridge and just started talking and in the middle of our conversation he got down on one knee and asked me. Which was completely unplanned but very romantic. About two weeks later he proposed a second time with a ring in the exact spot we met. It was simple and romantic.

22. Who has more friends? We are probably about even.

23. Who has more siblings? He has five and I have four.

24. Who wears the pants in the family? Andrew likes to say that I wear the pants and he gets to take them off. :-)

I tag Liz, Heidi Sims, and Julie!


KelliAnn Christensen said...

I'll be sure to tell Will about who wears the pants in your family; I am sure he will get a kick out of your answer. :)

Talea Hollingshead said...

I am so glad you have joined the blogging community! It is a great way to keep up with each other! It looks like you guys are doing well! Hopefully we will see you all soon.

Heidi and Caleb Sims said...

It was really fun to read your tag. I always love hearing how people met their true luvs!! It was something my companions and I loved to do on our mission and the best part about it was that it was approved!

Elkington Home said...

Oh so cute! I'm glad that you you found me! How fun to keep up with everyone's families. You sound like you guys are doing great and have such a cute little fam!