The massacre of the cake once know as "Brown Mickey". Alas, he is no more. :)
Aydan was a little afraid of all the rides and noise at our little party.
Happy Birthday Aydan!!
The massacre of the cake once know as "Brown Mickey". Alas, he is no more. :)
Happy Birthday Aydan!!
Posted by Christense Clan at 2:15 PM 3 comments
As you can see we have been having sleeping issues at our house. For the past few months Aydan has been sleeping in his pack-n-play because his crib was deemed a death trap. For all you mothers out there please be careful when accepting hand me down cribs. Aydan was jumping in his crib and holding onto the rail when it came down and poor Aydan went flying out. It was really sad. :-( Anyway so since the flying episode we have had him in his pack-n-play until two weeks ago when he figured out how to get out of it. This started happening all the time and even all night. The main problem was that he could get out of his bed but not back in. So he would wake us up crying three or four times during the night so we could get him back into his bed. After about a week of this Andrew decided it was time to put him in a big boy bed. He loved the bed just not for sleeping which is why we have been finding him on the floor surrounded by his massive destruction of his room. We have been putting him back into his bed right before we head off to bed. This past Monday was the first time we have actually found him in his bed and not on the floor. Hurray!! Only problem is that his room condition has still not improved. Oh well, I'm sure I will be complaining of his dirty room for many years to come. :-)
Posted by Christense Clan at 12:42 PM 6 comments
ABC Tagged
A- Attached or single: Most definitely attached. :)
B- Best Friend: Andrew, my husband of course!
C- Cake or Pie: Does cheesecake count?
D- Day of Choice: Saturday. Its the only day I have my husband all to myself.
E- Essential Item: My scriptures.
F- Favorite Color: Brittany would say: "Duh! It's purple" After living with me in college and seeing my extremely purple room everyday.
G- Gummi Bears or Worms: Worms, the sour ones.
H- Hometown: St. George, Utah
I -Indulgence(s): My Bare Escentuals make-up. I am SO addicted!!
J- January or July: Probably both for different reasons. I love January because I absolutely love winter clothes, I think they are so cute. I love July because it used to mean that Andrew was off for the summer from college but I just realised that won't be the case anymore. We're graduating in May!!
K-Kids: I have one and his name is Aydan. He is such a crazy two year old and I love him to death. But if Andrew has his way we will be making an announcement in the next few months.
L-Life is incomplete without: My family, friends, and the gospel.
M- Marriage Date: May 10th, 2003. We are almost to our five year mark. Go us! :)
N- Number of Siblings: 4. Two sisters and two brothers.
O- Oranges or Apples: Hmmm....I really like both!
P- Phobias or Fears: Andrew says that I have a natural talent for being paranoid and a worry wart. So probably too close to call.
Q- Quote(s): "Try to enjoy every moment of every day." This especially true when you have kids!
R- Reason To Smile: Andrew and Aydan! And that we are almost done with school. Sorry just really sick of school. :)
S- Season: Fall, I love the fall!
T- Tag Five: Kelliann, Talea, Allison, Cassidee, and Jill!
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I love to cook!
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Well I would have to say both.
W- Worst Habit: I have the hardest time putting the laundry away.
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Having been pregnant and the owner of several mended bones I would have to say both.
Y- Your Favorite Food: I love all kinds of food, in fact I think I am turning into a foodie. (Is that how you spell it?)
Z-Zodiac: Pisces
Posted by Christense Clan at 9:00 AM 1 comments