Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sleeping Issues

As you can see we have been having sleeping issues at our house. For the past few months Aydan has been sleeping in his pack-n-play because his crib was deemed a death trap. For all you mothers out there please be careful when accepting hand me down cribs. Aydan was jumping in his crib and holding onto the rail when it came down and poor Aydan went flying out. It was really sad. :-( Anyway so since the flying episode we have had him in his pack-n-play until two weeks ago when he figured out how to get out of it. This started happening all the time and even all night. The main problem was that he could get out of his bed but not back in. So he would wake us up crying three or four times during the night so we could get him back into his bed. After about a week of this Andrew decided it was time to put him in a big boy bed. He loved the bed just not for sleeping which is why we have been finding him on the floor surrounded by his massive destruction of his room. We have been putting him back into his bed right before we head off to bed. This past Monday was the first time we have actually found him in his bed and not on the floor. Hurray!! Only problem is that his room condition has still not improved. Oh well, I'm sure I will be complaining of his dirty room for many years to come. :-)


Talea Hollingshead said...

Too Funny! I remember those days with Linc and don't look forward to them at all with Mason!

Jill said...

Thank you. My hand does feel better. It still has a small bump and a bruise on it, but that should go away soon.

It is fun having our own house, but you always find another project that you want to do, but don't have the money for. If it weren't for tax returns we would not have been able to remodel our kitchen.

By the way, where do you guys live?

Julie said...

Ah...being a mother is so much fun, huh? I love everyone's funny stories. It makes me feel like my life isn't quite so crazy :)

Linds said...

Amberly- Hey it's Lindsey (VanOrden). How are you? I hope everything is going great with you and your little family (your little boy is way cute by the way)! Anyways, hope to talk to you again soon!

Jill said...

He is a wildland firefighter. So he is gone pretty much most of the summer. I always dread the summers because I know he is going to be gone a lot.

CassideeT said...

I love the pictures of his room. They bear a striking resemblance to the way Max's room is. Max and Aydan (is that the right spelling?) should get together and have a sleepover. They would have a great time all night playing with their toys!